President Desk

Management: President Desk Governing Body.

We take our motto  “Educate, Empower and Establish; seriously to continuously invest in our infrastructure and facilities, providing an educational experience that is second-to-none, yet is closer to home. The brand-new PH.D. level educational research center, the new gym and expanded playground with 200-metre track facility. we have  introduced a new courses – M.A. in Public Administration this year, stand to show our intent and follow-through. We will soon complete 5 decades of service to the society through education; and can now look back to feel proud of the many generations of graduates who have gone to earn their rightful place in society through their educational qualifications, the holistic values that they imbibed while studying with us, which provided a road-map of life, and they never had to turn back, succeeding in all arena’s of life, and careers of their choosing.

Past laurel’s, while encouraging, are by no means a guarantee of future progress. We continuously strive to improve ourselves, and offer even better educational experiences than we have before. To that effect, the National Educational Mission 2020 provides the guidance, to implement latest educational techniques. The successful completion of NAAC (National Assessment & Accreditation Council) audits and resultant grades establish our good standing in every measure.

The outside world is ever-changing with regards to its expectations from graduates, to perform satisfactorily in business, trade, management, administrations and service sectors. The world wants more from you – competency, knowledge of best practices and dedication in every aspect. These, in turn are accompanied with technological advances, online methods of learning and working, leading to an intended end result of a polished worker with skills and technical finesse. That education and employment are closely linked, is a given; and the time that you spend on refining/honing your skills, aided by our Institution, will, no-doubt, lead to the end-result that you and your family expect.

I personally travel the world regularly to understand these challenges and demands first-hand; and bring back learnings to be applied for your benefit; Before Covid arrived, I spent time in Belgium and France; and will now visit the Netherlands and Germany in the summer, to witness first-hand worldwide changes in employment scenario’s and translate their impact to improving our organization and our services even better.

Please feel free to get in touch with me, via email, or even in person. I stay committed to the vision of our founders and the mission of our Organization, to help you succeed, like other’s have with us, over the last five decades and the exciting future that lays ahead of us.

Best of Luck for everything else, we will take care of you.

Shri. Dhananjayrao Yadav

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