B. Com.

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Sr. No. Document Name Action
1. Direct Taxation 2019-20 View/Download
2. T.Y.B.COM. Sem VI View/Download
3. T.Y.B.Com. Accounting Finance Programme in Sem V of Elective Course Taxation III Indirect Taxes I and Sem VI of Elective Course Taxation IV View/Download
4. Question Paper Pattern of F.Y.B.Com. in Environmental Studies Sem I and Sem II View/Download
5. S.Y.B.Com. Advertising Sem III and IV View/Download
6. S.Y.B.Com. Sem III and IV Under Business Economics View/Download
7. S.Y.B.Com. Commerce Sem III and IV View/Download
8. T.Y.B.Com. Sem V and VI Paper VI-VII Literature in English View/Download
9. B.Com. Financial Management Sem I and II Syllabus View/Download
10. Revised Question Paper Pattern Financial Accounting Auditing Sem III and IV View/Download
11. Transport Mangement Sem V and VI Syllabus To Be Implememnted 2018-2019 View/Download
12. Revised B.Com. Accounting Finance Sem VI Core Courses Financial Accounting VII View/Download


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