About Institute

N.K.Varadkar Arts & R.V.Belose Commerce College, Dapoli is located at Kalkai Kond, Dapoli in Ratnagiri District. It was founded by the former State Minister, Government of Maharashtra, Late Shri.Baburaoji Belose in 1974. It is situated on a hill top surrounded by tall trees. The sights & sounds of this college are very charming. The total area of our college campus is Nine acres. Dapoli is noted for its cultural & historical heritage. Three Bharat Ratnas like P.V.Kane, Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve & Dr.B.R.Ambedkar belong to Dapoli itself.

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Notice Board

About The College Conference with Photo

आर . व्ही . बेलोसे एज्युकेशन फाउंडेशन, दापोली संचलित


न. का. वराडकर कला, रा.वि बेलोसे वाणिज्य कनिष्ठ - वरिष्ठ महाविधालय व शांतीलाल जैन विज्ञान कनिष्ठ महाविधालय, दापोली आणि आर.आर.वैद्य इंग्लिश मिडीयम स्कूल , दापोली येथील सन २०१८ - १९ या शैक्षणिक वर्षा करीता कॅन्टीन चालविण्यासाठी दरपत्रक मागविण्यात येत आहेत. तरी इच्छुक व्यक्तींनी आपले दरपत्रक दि. ३० में २०१८ पर्यन्त खाली दिलेल्या पत्यावर पाठवावेत दि . ३०/०५/२०१८ रोजी सकाळी ११:०० नंतर आलेल्या दरपत्रकाचा विचार केला जाणार नाही .
पत्ता - आर . व्ही . बेलोसे एज्युकेशन फाउंडेशन, दापोली
व्दारा आर.आर.वैद्य इंग्लिश मिडीयम स्कूल , दापोली, ता . दापोली , जि . रत्नागिरी.

Goals & Objectives Of The Institution

  • To spread the secondary & college education in Dapoli – Mandangad & Khed Tahasil in particular & konkan in general
  • To Motivate the students of rural area towards higher education.
  • To improve the social, economical , & cultural background of the region.
  • To spread the importance of English in this rural area.
  • To provide a platform to the students by giving them an opportunity to face all the challenges of the competitive world with almost utilization of potential in sports & Extra- curricular activities.
  • To initiate the educational facilities to provide job oriented courses such as Hotel Management Degree / Diploma courses, Tourists guide Training Centre etc.
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